Saturday, June 15, 2013

Treasures of the Heart

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:19 NIV

..list my tears on your scroll - are they not in your record? Psalm 56:8 NIV

At times I'd feel distressed, even angry with myself at the thought that I would forget the sound of my Mother's voice or the details of times we spent together. At times it was if I'd 'blanked out' and the harder I'd try to remember, the more elusive it would get. I believe God, in His wisdom, protects us from being overwhelmed.  Especially immediately after the loss of a loved one, when you're in shock, emotions and perception are magnified, exaggerated or even distorted by grief. As time has gone by and I come across a favorite scent, a picture, a piece of jewelry or other treasured memento, the memories of how it came about come flooding back to me. It is then that I realize her memory is 'treasured up' forever in my heart and can never leave me.  The memories I hold are treasures that I can bring out and share, a legacy of a love that will endure forever. In every loving gesture, in my son's laughter, in  the scent of jasmine on my porch, in each glance in the mirror, Mom continues to touch my heart and my life and of those I hold dear and always will.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Forever Changed

Most people who have experienced grief and loss of a beloved family member or friend are forever changed by the experience, they have more depth of compassion and a new awareness of our humanity. We become more acutely aware of our own mortality and what is truly important in life. Grief sets you apart and makes you different.
Once you have been to the funeral, often after a hospital bed vigil, hospice or other difficult circumstances you will better understand what others are going through and know what will be of help to them.  If you have not experienced this depth of loss you will not fully understand until you do. We are thrown into this journey and we can never be fully prepared for it. Yet grief and loss will eventually touch us all. No one is immune. We each must each work through our own grief and come to accept change, make peace with a new way of life and embrace it. We heal as we cherish the family and friends who are with us and create new traditions.  In the midst of all these life changes God assures us that He never changes and will be our refuge and fortress. We can put our hand in His and allow Him to lead us into new life and hope.

I the Lord do not change Malachi 3:6 NIV

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and staff they comfort me. Psalm 23:4 NIV